Email Address:
Phone Number:
Are you a past client of eXposedHomes?
What was your client status?
When did eXposedHomes provide their service for you?
How did you hear about eXposedHomes?
How would you rate your eXperience with eXposedHomes?
What did you like MOST about eXposedHomes?
What did you like LEAST about eXposedHomes?
What do you think eXposedHomes could do to improve their service?
Would you be willing to make your next sale or move with eXposedHomes again?
Would you be willing to refer eXposedHomes to your family and friends?
If you would send eXposedHomes a referral; would you want a "Referral Gift"
I'd be interested in eXposedHomes keeping my in contact by: Monthly Email Newsletter
Monthly Phone Call
Monthly "Singing Telegram"
Emailed or Call if a "HOT" Steal comes up!
Send a Smoke Signal
Would you be willing to write a small testimony letter for it to be placed on our website and marketing materials with your name?
If you chose yes, please write a simply testimony here:
Lastly, would you like to be profiled in our new pictorial publication coming soon called "eXposedHomes' Client's Corner" - We will call you for more information.

form mail
  eXposed Homes Logo
Phone: 210-493-3030
Mobile: 210-286-4440
Fax: 210-638-6147